Key Words: Internet based police training, distance learning, distributed, criminal justice education, individualized, computer assisted, computer managed, computer aided, computer based, computer teaching, instruction, networking, police training, courseware, software, law enforcement, corrections, e-learning
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Walker, Roy O. (2008). [Internet Based Criminal Justice Education and Training
Home Page, Catalog and E-Mail Hot-Line] Internet eLearning, Computer Based Police Education (CBE) and Training (CBT). with Individualized Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI), Computer Managed Instruction (CMI), and Off-Campus Active Distance and Distributed Learning Applications, Twelfth Edition. Champaign, Illinois USA: Property of Dr. R.O. Walker at:

Walker, R.O. (2008). [Internet Based Education and Training System] Internet records
system. Ninth Edition. Champaign, Illinois USA: Property of Dr. R.O. Walker at:

Walker, Roy O., Janssen, John J., and Avner, Richard A. (2005, July). Computer Based Police Training:
Using Time as Your Ally. Illinois Law Enforcement Executive Forum, 127-140. (An official publication of the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board in cooperation with the College of Education and Human Services, Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois 61455 USA.)(This publication was first presented as a paper at the Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Chicago, Illinois USA, March 17, 2005.)

Walker, Roy O. (2002). Manuscript reviewer in the field of educational computing
for the refereed Illinois Law Enforcement Executive Forum.

Walker, Roy, Janssen, John, and Avner, Allen. (2001, August). How not to use
instructional computers. Illinois Law Enforcement Executive Forum, 59-72.

Walker, R.O., Hoffman, G.L., and Avner, A. (2001, April 4). Distance learning:
Combining the best/most useful/most needed aspects of both Criminal Justice Education and Training. (A paper presented at the Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Washington, D.C. USA.)

Walker, Roy O. (2000-2001). Manuscript reviewer in the field of educational computing
for the refereed Journal of Criminal Justice Education (JCJE). An official publication of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS).

Van Meter, Clifford W., with Walker, R.O. (2000, Fall Semester).
Criminal investigation course at Grand Valley State University (GVSU), Allendale, Michigan USA. [Internet Based Education Program] An on-campus course featuring Dr. Walker's Internet based Investigation, and Interviewing and Interrogation Modules with Internet Records System for preservice and inservice students enrolled on-campus for college credit. (A first-of-its-kind campus Internet delivery system taught by the late Professor C. W. Van Meter. Over 1100 of Professor Van Meter's graduates benefited very highly from his usage of these and other modules of e-lessons provided by Dr. Walker, as found in Professor Van Meter's student evaluation study.)

Walker, R.O., Avner, A., Hoffman, G.L., and Van Meter, C.W.
(2000, March 22). Why should I (and how do I) develop and utilize a teacher-made Internet Records System? (A Workshop Convened by Dr. Walker and Lt. Hoffman, presented at the Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS), New Orleans, Louisiana USA.)

Cooper, S.H., Greek, C., O'Connor, T., Schmalleger, F., and Walker, R.O.
(2000, March 22). The future of distance learning in criminal justice: A view of the experts in 2000 -- to be continued in 2005. (A Roundtable Convened and Discussed by S.H. Cooper, presented at the Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS), New Orleans, Louisiana USA.)

Walker, R.O. (1999). Study guide: Introduction to computing in
criminal justice to accompany PCs for beginners the Microsoft guide for first-time computer users. Boca Raton, Florida, USA: National Institute for Paralegal Arts and Sciences (NIPAS), Kaplan Educational Centers, a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Washington Post Company, Washington, D.C. USA.

Walker, Roy O. (1999, March 30). Law enforcement and Internet
seminar, Elk Grove, Illinois USA. A presentation about Internet based education and training to a live audience of 150 law enforcement professionals drawn from the Chicago (Illinois USA) area sponsored by the Law Enforcement Internet Intelligence Report.

Hoffman, Gary L., with Walker, R.O. (1999, March 16). CBT distance
learning seminar, Punta Gorda, Florida USA. A presentation that successfully confirmed the interest of seminar participants in the Charlotte County Sheriff's CEdAC program, an acronym for Computer Based Education At Charlotte. The Charlotte County Sheriff's Office was the first in the nation to successfully utilize the Law Enforcement Training Network (LETN) STTAR System with its computer based education and training record keeping components.

Walker, R.O., Janssen, J., and Avner, A. (1999, March 11). How NOT to use
instructional computers. (A paper presented at the Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Orlando, Florida USA.)

Walker, R., Janssen, J., and Avner, A. (1998, March 12). Creating effective
distance learning environments on the World Wide Web for police and allied criminal justice personnel. (A paper presented at the Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Albuquerque, New Mexico USA.)

Walker, Roy O. (1997, July/August). Impulse control and cue words.
American Jails, XI(3), 76-79. (An official publication of the American Jail Association, 2053 Day Road, Suite 100, Hagerstown, Maryland 21740-9795 USA.)

Walker, Roy, Janssen, John, and Avner, Allen. (1997, May/June). [Internet Based
Newsletter] Mary Michaels (Ed.), Distance learning: One solution to increasing quality of instruction while lowering cost. Instructional Microcomputing Newsletter. Urbana-Champaign, Illinois USA: The University of Illinois, Educational Technologies Assistance Group (ETAG).

Walker, R., Janssen, J, and Avner, A. (1997, March 13). Early experiences
in the utilization of the Internet: Distance learning. (A paper presented at the Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Louisville, Kentucky USA.)

Major, Shirley, and Walker, R.O. (1996). Custody of juveniles course.
[Computer Based Training Course] Fourth Edition. A statewide computer managed instructional (CMI) program available by bulletin board for local juvenile officers - developed by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board (Springfield, Illinois USA) with the University of Illinois, Police Training Institute (Champaign, Illinois USA). This project was funded by a $7,000.00 contract from the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS).

Johnson, B., Van Meter, C.W., and Walker, R.O. (1995). Computer based
education in criminal justice: Evaluation of performance. Police Computer Review, 4(3), 11-18. (A journal article based on a paper with the same title presented by the authors at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts USA, March 10, 1995.)

MacMillan, J. Roger, with Walker, R.O. (1994-1995). Off-campus computer based police
education and training course at Henson College, Dalhousie University. [Computer Based Education and Training Course] Delivery of 22 hours of police education and training using Dr. Walker's Crisis Management Leadership, Interviewing and Interrogation, and Investigation Modules for training 70 in-service police officers on-site at 11 police department locations in Nova Scotia. The course was funded by a $1,500.00 contract from Henson College, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada.

Walker, R.O., Charles, M.T., and Avner, A. (1994, June). Network managed
computer based education for police. Police Computer Review, 3(2), 19-26. (A journal article based on papers with the same title presented by the authors at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) Meetings in Kansas City, Missouri USA in 1993, and in a workshop at the ACJS Meeting in Chicago, Illinois USA in 1994. Also see, Avner (1992) of this listing for the citation of the Evaluation Report upon which these ACJS papers are based.)

Walker, R.O., Johnston, A.M., and Chirolas, D. (1994, March 4). Computer
assisted training. (A University of Illinois, Police Training Institute (PTI) courseware exhibition prepared for demonstration at the Law Enforcement Training Officers Conference of the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board, Champaign, Illinois USA.)

Walker, Roy O. (1994). Motor vehicle theft course. [Computer Based Training
Module] A course comprised of Dr. Walker's Internet based Motor Vehicle Theft Module for delivery of 12 hours of instruction to regional Motor Vehicle Theft Task Forces at 8 sites in the State of Illinois USA. A project of the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board, Springfield, Illinois USA supported by a grant from the Illinois Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Council.

Van Meter, C.W. (1993, December, et seqq.). Computer-based education
at Grand Valley State University. CJ Update. (A preliminary research project report of police management computer training software developed by Dr. R.O. Walker, et al, in Anderson's Newsletter for Criminal Justice Publications, Anderson Publishing Company, P.O. Box 1576, Cincinnati, Ohio USA.)*

Walker, R.O. (1993, May 6). Microcomputer applications in police training.
(A criminal justice courseware exhibition prepared for demonstration at the meeting of the Illinois Association of Criminal Justice Educators, Champaign, Illinois USA.)

Leonard, Fred, with Walker, Roy O. (1992-1994). Investigation, and interviewing and
interrogation course at the Metra Police Department. [Computer Based Police Training Course] Delivery of 50 hours of computer based police training using Dr. Walker's Investigation, and Interviewing and Interrogation Modules for training 68 in-service police officers at 5 locations in the Chicago area funded on a $21,842.00 contract from the Metra Police Department, Chicago, Illinois USA.

Walker, R.O. (1992). Computers in law enforcement. In J. Wiener (Project
Director), Macmillan encyclopedia of computers. New York USA: Macmillan Publishing Company, 590-597.

Avner, Allen. (1992, July 30). PTI CBE learning certification module assessment.
(A CERL Evaluation Report of the use of Dr. Walker's computer based instructional modules in the Police Training Institute (PTI), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign USA, Computer-based Education Research Laboratory, Educational Applications Research Group, Evaluation Research and Support Office. Available from the author at, or Dr. Walker at Also see, Walker, R.O., Charles, M.T., and Avner, A. (1994, June). Network managed computer based education for police. Police Computer Review, 3(2), 19-26. A journal article based on papers with the same title presented by the authors at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) Meeting in Kansas City, Missouri USA in 1993, and in a workshop at the ACJS Meeting in Chicago, Illinois USA in 1994.)

Walker, Roy. (1992, March/April). Mary Michaels (Ed.), Computer-based
training for police. Instructional Microcomputing Newsletter. Urbana-Champaign, Illinois USA: Educational and Technologies Assistance Group (ETAG), 8-9. An exercise in computer managed instruction (CMI).

Walker, R.O. (1991, Oct. 20-23). Technology display and hands on
exercises. In T.A. Johnson (Chair), Challenges of 21st century law enforcement: Interaction of technology and models of policing. (A microcomputer courseware exhibition prepared for demonstration at Mischott, Wisconsin, sponsored by the Wisconsin Department of Justice Training and Standards Bureau, Madison, Wisconsin USA.)

Walker, R.O., Johnston, A.M., and Van Meter, C.W. (1991,
September 18-19). Police and corrections training. (A criminal justice courseware exhibition prepared for demonstration at COMPUFAIR 1991, University of Illinois, Sixth Annual All-Campus Computer Fair, Urbana, Illinois USA.)

Walker, R.O., and Van Meter, C.W. (1991, August 17-20). Police Training
Institute: Computer based training for police and corrections personnel. (A courseware exhibition prepared for demonstration at the Summer Training Conference of the Illinois Sheriff's Association, Galesburg, Illinois USA.)

Walker, R.O., and Van Meter, C.W. (1991, July 20-23). University of Illinois
Film Center. (A police and corrections courseware exhibition prepared for demonstration at the Summer Training Conference of the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police, Effingham, Illinois USA.)

Van Meter, C.W., and Walker, R.O. (1991, April 3). The immediate future of
computer based police and corrections training. (A paper presented at the Conference of University and Continuing Educators, University of Illinois, Chicago USA.)

Walker, R.O., Avner, R.A., and Flammang, C.J. (1991, March 8).
Demographic overview of local correctional officers at the sheriff's department level. In M. Ford (Chair), Personnel issues in local jails. (A paper presented at the Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Nashville, Tennessee USA.)

Walker, R.O. (1991, Feb. 28). Demographic overview of local correctional
officers at the sheriff's department level. (Sabbatical report including action research, University of Illinois, Urbana USA.)

Walker, R.O., and Van Meter, C.W. (1990-91). Stress test.
(Designed and delivered 2 hours of computer based police training using Dr. Walker's proprietary Stress Management microcomputer lesson for training a total of 68 police officers at the following 10 participating police agencies in Illinois USA funded by the Police Training Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign USA, i.e.: Bellevidere Police Department, Boone County Sheriff's Department, Freeport Police Department, Mokena Police Department, Mount Prospect Police Department, New Lenox Police Department, Ottawa Police Department, Rock Falls Police Department, Sterling Police Department, and the Springfield Police Department.)

Walker, R.O., Johnston, A.M., and Van Meter, C.W. (1990,
September 26-27). University of Illinois Police Training Institute. (A police and corrections courseware exhibition prepared for demonstration at COMPUFAIR 1990, University of Illinois, Fifth Annual All-Campus Computer Fair, Urbana USA.)

Walker, R.O., and Van Meter, C.W. (1990, September 6). Police Training
Institute, Computer based training. (A courseware exhibition prepared for demonstration at the twenty-fifth anniversary Meeting of the Illinois Local Governmental Law Enforcement Officers Training Board, Rosemont, Illinois USA.)

Walker, R.O. (1990, May 21). State of the art of computer based training.
(A seminar presented to a doctoral-level futures class at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) National Academy, Quantico, Virginia USA.)

Walker, R.O., Johnston, A.M., and Van Meter, C.W. (1990, March 13).
Using computer-aided instruction in police training. (A workshop, chaired by Gary Cordner and C.W. Van Meter, presented at the Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Denver, Colorado USA.)

Walker, R.O., and Van Meter, C.W. (1990, January 5). Microcomputer
programs. (A hands-on demonstration, invited by C.W. Van Meter, presented at the meeting of the University of Illinois, Police Training Institute (PTI), Local Area Advisory Board, Illinois Residence Hall, Urbana, Illinois USA.)

Roblyer, M.D. (1989, December). Technology in criminal justice training:
A review of literature. Tallahassee, Florida USA.: The Florida A&M University, College of Education, prepared for contract #00363 with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Division of Criminal Justice Standards and Training, Bureau of Training.*

Walker, R.O. (1989, Summer and Fall). Application highlights: Police
and correctional officer training expands to computers. Tenfold. Champaign, Illinois USA: Computer Teaching Corporation Support Publication, 5.

Walker, R.O., and Van Meter, C.W. (1989, June 30). PTI's computer
assisted on-scene police response course. (A University of Illinois, Police Training Institute (PTI) courseware exhibition prepared for demonstration at the Summer Training Conference of the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police, Springfield, Illinois USA.)

Walker, R.O., Johnston, A.M., and Van Meter, C.W. (1989, April 24).
Microsystem applications in criminal justice education and training. (A criminal justice courseware exhibition prepared for demonstration at the University of Illinois, Fourth Annual All-Campus Computer Fair, Urbana, Illinois USA.)

Fritz, M. (1989, January). In the vanguard. Industry applications:
Making better cops. CBT Directions, 2(1), 21-24. (A review of Dr. R.O. Walker's police computer training activities and others published by Weingarten Publications, Inc., 38 Chauncy Street, Boston, Mass. 02111-2301 USA.)*

Walker, R.O., and Johnston, A.M. (1988, October 8-9). Applications of
microsystems in criminal justice education and training. (A demonstration of courseware utilized for the education and training of police and corrections personnel prepared for exhibition at Carnegie Mellon University, Conference on Computing in Undergraduate Education, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA.)

Walker, R.O., Johnston, A.M., and Van Meter, C.W. (1988, April 25-26).
Computer-based training. (A criminal justice courseware exhibition prepared for demonstration at the University of Illinois, Third Annual All-Campus Computer Fair, Urbana, Illinois USA.)

Tafoya, William L. (1987, October). Into the future: A look at the
21st Century. Law Enforcement Technology, 16-18, 19-20, 83, 85-86. (A review and report of a doctoral dissertation utilizing a Delphi research method of forecasting the future which included computer training for police personnel.)*

Walker, R.O., Johnston, A.M., and Van Meter, C.W. (1987, April 1).
Courseware strategies for criminal justice training. (A courseware exhibition prepared for demonstration at the University of Illinois, Second Annual All-Campus Computer Fair, Urbana, Illinois USA.)

Walker, R.O. (1987, March 25). U of I professors present workshop. Today,
16(20), 6. (A newspaper publication of Holmes Publications, 5 South Main St., Villa Grove, Illinois USA.)

Walker, R.O., Johnston, A.M., Flammang, C.J., and Van Meter, C.W.
(1987, March 17). Computer-assisted instruction in criminal justice education. (A workshop, chaired by C.J. Flammang, presented at the Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, St. Louis, Missouri USA.)

Walker, R.O., Johnston, A.M., and Van Meter, C.W. (1986, March 17).
Police Training Institute. (A courseware exhibition prepared for demonstration at the University of Illinois, First All-Campus Computer Fair, Urbana, Illinois USA.)

Van Meter, C.W. (1986). PTI briefs: 1975-1985 the transition years.
IPA Official Journal, 23-25. (A review including Dr. R.O. Walker's computer training activities published by the Illinois Police Association, USA.)*

Walker, R.O. (1985, Sept. 16). Police response to domestic violence.
In Marcia McBride (Reporter), ABC News, Harrisburg, Illinois USA.

Walker, R.O. (1985, May). Exploratory investigation of police attitudes
toward violence. (Published doctoral dissertation, University of Illinois, Urbana USA. ASIN: B00072U092.)

LeDoux, J.C., and Stanley, Charles J. (1985). A comparative study
of computer-based instruction vs. lecture. (A paper presented at the 26th Conference of the Association for the Development of Computer-Based Instructional Systems (ADCIS), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania., USA, March 25-28, 1985; published in the Proceedings of the ADCIS, Bellingham, WA, USA: Western Washington Press, 1985.) *

1985, et seqq.: With other Police training Institute faculty, management and
direct supervision of computer-based education and training in TenCORE microcomputer classrooms for police and correctional officers enrolled at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign USA. Over 20,000 police officers were eventually trained in TenCORE and PLATO.

1985, et seqq.: Microcomputer Author, TenCORE Language Authoring
System, Computer Teaching Corporation, Champaign, Illinois, with over 5,000 hours of computer programming experience.

Walker, R.O., Johnston, A.M., Flammang, C.J., and Palumbo, P.A.
(1984, October 5). Applications of computer-based education and management information systems. (A workshop, chaired by P.A. Palumbo, presented at the Meeting of the Midwestern Association of Criminal Justice Educators, Chicago, Illinois USA.)

Dennis, J.R., and Walker, R.O. (1984, August 13-17). Authoring computer
assisted courseware. (A five-day, 36-hour workshop held in Sacramento, California USA, chaired by T.A. Johnson, presented to 30 professionals including the Criminal Justice faculty at California State University - Sacramento, California USA.)

Walker, R.O., Johnston, A.M., Flammang, C.J., and Palumbo, P.A.
(1984, March 28). Applications of the computer in criminal justice education. (A workshop, chaired by P.A. Palumbo, presented at the Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Chicago, Illinois USA.)

Walker, R.O., Johnston, A.M., Flammang, C.J., and Van Meter, C.W.
(1983, October 12). Introduction to computer-based education. (A workshop, chaired by C.W. Van Meter, presented at the Meeting of the Midwestern Association of Criminal Justice Educators, Chicago, Illinois USA.)

Palumbo, P.A., and Connor, G.J. (1983, May). Firearms training:
The Computer Assisted Target Analysis System. Police Chief, L(5), 67-70.*

Walker, R.O. (1983, April 22). Aggression. In S. Letman (Chair), Occupational
stress in law enforcement. (A paper presented at the Annual Conference on Criminal Justice, Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois USA.)

Walker, R.O., and Wakefield, W. (1983, March 24). The pros and
cons of police personnel selection procedures from psychometric perspectives. In T. Bynum (Chair), Issues in police selection and retention. (A paper presented at the Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, San Antonio, Texas USA.)

Walker, R.O. (1983, January). Computer use in instruction: Central
systems vs. microsystems. Police Chief, 50(1), 58-60.

Walker, R.O. (1982). Computer based training. In David J. Roberts
(Publication Supervisor and Deputy Director), National Criminal Justice Consultants and Training Facilities: 1992 Directory. Sacramento, California USA: SEARCH, 26.

Walker, R.O., and Dennis, J.R. (1982, October 14). Computer assisted
instruction in criminal justice education. (A workshop, chaired by J.R. Dennis, presented at the Meeting of the Midwestern Association of Criminal Justice Educators, Indianapolis, Indiana USA.)

Flammang, C.J., and Walker, R.O. (1982, August). Training: A rationale
supporting computer based instruction. Police Chief, 49(8), 60-64.

Flammang, C.J., Manella, F.L., and Walker, R.O. (1982, May 7).
The examination of investigative problems in cases of incest. In C.J. Flammang (Developer and Presenter) and S. Burrell (Chair), a symposium presented at the Second National Conference on Sexual Victimization of Children. Washington, D.C. USA: Children's Hospital National Medical Center, George Washington University.

Walker, R.O. (1982, March 27). Advantages and disadvantages of
computer based education, using large, centralized computers as compared with using microprocessors. In J. Adamitis (chair), Computer applications in criminal justice. (A paper presented at the Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Louisville, Kentucky USA.)

Walker, R.O. (1982, March 27). How does the police specialty field "fit" into
a college of education? In W. Wakefield (Chair), Interdisciplinary criminal justice higher education. (A paper presented at the Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Louisville, Kentucky USA.)

Flammang, C.J., and Walker, R.O. (1982, March 24). Formal and informal
indoctrination to police organization and procedures. In J.E. Scuro (Chair), Police violence and misconduct. (A paper presented at the Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Louisville, KY.)

Walker, R.O. (1982, March). Exploratory investigation of police attitudes
toward violence. Journal of Police Science and Administration, 10(1), 93-100. An empirical research study supported in 1979 by a $1,000 stipend from the Joint Commission on Criminology and Criminal Justice Education and Standards, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Chicago, Illinois USA. (See, Pate, Antony M., Fridell, Lorie A., and Hamilton, Edwin E. (1993). Police use of force: Official reports, citizen complaints, and legal consequences. Police Foundation, 1, 28.)

Walker, R.O. (1982). Police Science and Administration book reviews.
(Review of On-scene Traffic Accident Investigator's Manual.) Journal of Police Science and Administration, 10(2), 249-250.

Walker, R.O., and Flammang, C.J. (1981, June). Instructional application of
computer based education in police training. Journal of Police Science and Administration, 9(2), 244-250. (An evaluation of the institutional acceptance of computer based police training by administrative and instructional staff, and their students in training at the University of Illinois, Police Training Institute, Champaign, Illinois USA.)

Walker, R.O. (1981, April 16). Investigative techniques. In C.E. Higginbotham
(Senior Staff Analyst), Police Juvenile Procedures Course. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA: International Association of Chiefs of Police, Gaithersburg, Maryland USA.

Flammang, C.J., and Walker, R.O. (1981, March 13). Training: The search
for alternatives. In V. Webb (Chair), Education and training. Symposium conducted at the Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA.

Walker, R.O., and Flammang, C.J. (1980, November). Entering the 80's
with law enforcement training. Police Chief, 47(11), 60-64.

Walker, R.O. (1980). Blind-book review invited by the publisher.
(See, Joseph, A., and Allison, H.C. (1980). Handbook of crime scene investigation. Boston, Massachusetts USA: Allyn and Bacon.)

Walker, R.O. (1980, April 3). Design document: Individualized, computer
managed police training. In C.W. Van Meter (Project Director), J.R. Dennis and S. Standiford (Consultants), R.O. Walker (Coordinator and Author), C.J. Flammang (Grant Proposal Investigator and Author), A.M. Johnston (Author), and F.L. Manella (Author), PLATO Learning Management (PLM) Project Number 79105 of the University of Illinois, Police Training Institute funded by Control Data Corporation, Minneapolis, Minnesota USA.

1980-81: Project Coordinator of Control Data Corporation (CDC)
Project No. 79105 awarded to the Police Training Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois USA. Development of individualized, computerized, police training materials in the Control Data PLATO Learning Management (PLM) format. Responsible for directing the design and development of PLM programs, all of which generic to the training of the sworn police officer population in the U.S.; and, the supervision of 3 professionals and 3 computer programmers funded by a $87,288 CDC contract.

Dennis, J.R., Flammang, C.J., and Walker, R.O. (1979, October). Instructional
use of computers in police training. Police Chief, 46(10), 82-84. (A publication of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, USA.)

Walker, R.O. (1979, July). Stop! Coin operated machine thefts.
The Policemen's Magazine, 6-8. (A publication of The Benevolent and Protective Association of Illinois.)

Walker, R.O. (1979, May). Test your jurisdictional I.Q. The Policemen's
Magazine, 12-14. (A publication of The Benevolent and Protective Association of Illinois.)

Flammang, C.J. (1979, Spring). PLATO teaches cops. Illinois Police Officer,
10(1), 103-117. (A publication of the Fraternal Order of Police.)*

Walker, R.O. (1979, January). Test your evidence potential I.Q.
The Policemen's Magazine, 7-10. (A publication of The Policemen's Benevolent and Protective Association of Illinois.)

1979: Contributing Editor, The Policemen's Magazine. (A publication
of the Benevolent and Protective Association of Illinois.)

1978, et seqq.: With other Police Training Institute faculty, management
and direct supervision of computer-based education and training in PLATO classrooms for police and correctional officers enrolled at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign USA. Several thousand police officers were trained in PLATO during an 18-year period.

Walker, R.O. (1978, Dec.). Performance measurement theory in
criminal justice training. Journal of Police Science and Administration, 6(4), 471-478. (Also in Ferry, J.D., & Kravitz, M. (1980). Police training: A selected bibliography. Washington, D.C. USA: U.S. Government Printing Office, 31.)

Walker, R.O. (1978, November). Test your vehicle identification I.Q.
The Policemen's Magazine, 47-50. (A publication of The Policemen's Benevolent and Protective Association of Illinois.)

Walker, R.O. (1978, Summer). Ten tips for senior citizens: How not to be
taken. Illinois Police Officer, 9(2), 43, 45, 47, 49. (A publication of the Fraternal Order of Police.)

Walker, R.O. (1978, Spring). Test your jurisdictional I.Q. Illinois Police
Officer, 9(1), 118-119, 127. (A publication of the Fraternal Order of Police.)

Flammang, C.J., and Walker, R.O. (1978, April 18 and May 4). The sexual abuse
workshop. Urbana, Illinois USA: The School of Social Work, University of Illinois. (A program developed by Professor C.J. Flammang for intake and direct service staff in the helping services listed in HEW Region V, Child Abuse and Neglect Resource Directory for Training and Education, Center for Advanced Studies in Human Services, School of Social Welfare, The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA.)

1976-77: Investigator. Police attitudes toward unions. (A continuing longitudinal study.)

Walker, R.O. (1976, October). Fingerprinting the dead: Let's improvise!
Fingerprint and identification magazine. Syracuse, New York: Careerco Institute of Applied Science, 7.

Walker, Roy O. (1976-Present). Computer Teaching Materials:
The Table of Modules consists of 6 e-Courses that carry 22 e-lessons accounting for 160 equivalent classroom hours of instruction. These 22 were eventually developed over time with central and microcomputers and tested by over 20,000 graduates at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). All materials are the property of Dr. Walker.

1973: Security Consultant, Lewis and Clark Community College,
Godfrey, Illinois USA. Funded by a $1,000 stipend, surveyed and reported the training needs of the security forces deployed by the U.S. Army Aviation Systems Command, St. Louis, Missouri USA, and the Granite City Steel Corporation, Granite City, Illinois USA.

1972-73: Coordinator of Illinois Law Enforcement Commission (ILEC) grant
number 2-08-18-0495-01, Springfield, Illinois USA on contract from the Southwestern Illinois Law Enforcement Commission (SILEC), Belleville, Illinois.

    Responsible for project administration and implementation of off-campus in-service training for police in a 7 county area of Illinois; and, the supervision of 2 professionals and a secretary funded by a $49,570 ILEC grant.

    Specifically, directed and coordinated teaching and instructor identification and assignment, administrative records; curriculum options; resource and facility procurement; and student advising.

    This project served as a pilot upon which continuous funding was based not only in the SILEC region but statewide.

1970-72: Instructor, Law Enforcement, Lewis and Clark College,
Godfrey, Illinois USA. (A part-time position instructing the course, Crime Prevention and Patrol Techniques.)

Practitioner service: 1965-1974: Deputy Sheriff/Patrolman/Detective.
In the Greater St. Louis Area, police service with the Madison County (Illinois USA) Sheriff's Department included a wide range of assignments in a multi-jurisdictional setting. Assignments included the jail, dispatching, patrol, juvenile, and investigation. Intermittent supervisory job descriptions included that of Chief Jailer, patrol Shift Commander, and lead investigator of crimes against property and persons including homicide. Also served conjunctively for 2 years in the position of Investigator (Detective), Major Case Squad of the Greater St. Louis Area, St. Louis, Missouri USA.

Note. The above asterisks "*" identify publications sometimes referred to by Dr. Walker when asked by his Internet viewing audience for additional citations in the field of educational computing.

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Revised September 24, 2008.